Adding/Deleting Cells Dynamically; Configuration Abstraction, Part 2

In this lesson we add dynamic thread creation and termination to IMP, and while doing so we learn how to define and use configurations whose structure can evolve dynamically.

Recall that the intended semantics of spawn S is to spawn a new concurrent thread that executes S. The new thread is being passed at creation time its parent's environment, so it can share with its parent the memory locations that its parent had access to at creation time. No other locations can be shared, and no other memory sharing mechanism is available. The parent and the child threads can evolve unrestricted, in particular they can change their environments by declaring new variables or shadowing existing ones, can create other threads, and so on.

The above suggests that each thread should have its own computation and its own environment. This can be elegantly achieved if we group the <k/> and <env/> cells in a <thread/> cell in the configuration. Since at any given moment during the execution of a program there could be zero, one or more instances of such a <thread/> cell in the configuration, it is a good idea to declare the <thread/> cell with multiplicity * (i.e., zero, one or more):

<thread multiplicity="*" color="blue">
  <k color="green"> $PGM:Stmt </k>
  <env color="LightSkyBlue"> .Map </env>

This multiplicity declaration is not necessary, but it is a good idea to do it for several reasons:

  1. it may help the configuration abstraction process, which may in turn significantly increase the compactness and modularity of your subsequent rules;
  2. it may help various analysis and execution tools, for example static analyzers to give you error messages when you create cells where you should not, or K compilers to improve performance by starting actual concurrent hardware threads or processes corresponding to each cell instance; and
  3. it may help you better understand and control the dynamics of your configuration, and thus your overall semantics.

For good encapsulation, I also prefer to put all thread cells into one cell, <threads/>. This is technically unnecessary, though; to convince yourself that this is indeed the case, you can remove this cell once we are done with the semantics and everything will work without having to make any changes.

Before we continue, let us kompile an krun some programs that used to work, say sum-io.imp. In spite of the relatively radical configuration reorganization, those programs execute just fine! How is that possible? In particular, why do rules like the lookup and assignment still work, unchanged, in spite of the fact that the <k/> and <env/> cells are not at the same level with the <store/> cell in the configuration anymore?

Welcome to configuration abstraction, part 2. Recall that the role of configuration abstraction is to allow you to only write the relevant information in each rule, and have the compiler fill-in the obvious and boring details. According to the configuration that we declared for our new language, there is only one reasonable way to complete rules like the lookup, namely to place the <k/> and </env> cells inside a <thread/> cell, inside a <threads/> cell:

rule <threads>...
         <k> X:Id => I ...</k>
         <env>... X |-> N ...</env>
     <store>... N |-> I ...</store>  [lookup]

This is the most direct, compact and local way to complete the configuration context of the lookup rule. If for some reason you wanted here to match the <k/> cell of one thread and the <env/> cell of another thread, then you would need to explicitly tell K so, by mentioning the two thread cells, for example:

rule <thread>...
         <k> X:Id => I ...</k>
         <env>... X |-> N ...</env>
     <store>... N |-> I ...</store>  [lookup]

By default, K completes rules in a greedy style. Think this way: what is the minimal number of changes to my rule to make it fit the declared configuration? That's what the K tool will do.

Configuration abstraction is technically unnecessary, but once you start using it and get a feel for how it works, it will become your best friend. It allows you to focus on the essentials of your semantics, and at the same time gives you flexibility in changing the configuration later on without having to touch the rules. For example, it allows you to remove the <threads/> cell from the configuration, if you don't like it, without having to touch any rule.

We are now ready to give the semantics of spawn:

rule <k> spawn S => . ...</k> <env> Rho </env>
     (. => <thread>... <k> S </k> <env> Rho </env> ...</thread>)

Note configuration abstraction at work, again. Taking into account the declared configuration, and in particular the multiplicity information * in the <thread/> cell, the only reasonable way to complete the rule above is to wrap the <k/> and <env/> cells on the first line within a <thread/> cell, and to fill-in the ...s in the child thread with the default contents of the other subcells in <thread/>. In this case there are no other cells, so we can get rid of those ...s, but that would decrease the modularity of this rule: indeed, we may later on add other cells within <thread/> as the language evolves, for example a function or an exception stack, etc.

In theory, we should be able to write the rule above even more compactly and modularly, namely as

rule <k> spawn S => . ...</k> <env> Rho </env>
     (. => <k> S </k> <env> Rho </env>)

Unfortunately, this currently does not work in the K tool, due to some known limitations of our current configuration abstraction algorithm. This latter rule would be more modular, because it would not even depend on the cell name thread. For example, we may later decide to change thread into agent, and we would not have to touch this rule. We hope this current limitation will be eliminated soon.

Once a thread terminates, its computation cell becomes empty. When that happens, we can go ahead and remove the useless thread cell:

rule <thread>... <k> . </k> ...</thread> => .

Let's see what we've got. kompile and krun spawn.imp. Note the following:

  • The <threads/> cell is empty, so all threads terminated normally;
  • The value printed is different from the value in the store; the store value is not even the one obtained if the threads executed sequentially.

Therefore, interesting behaviors may happen; we would like to see them all!

krun spawn.imp --search

However, the above does not work.

spawn.imp is an interactive program, which reads a number from the standard input. When analyzing programs exhaustively using the search option, krun has to disable the streaming capabilities (just think about it and you will realize why). The best you can do in terms of interactivity with search is to pipe some input to krun: krun will flush the standard input buffer into the cells connected to it when creating the initial configuration (will do that no matter whether you run it with or without the --search option). For example:

echo 23 | krun spawn.imp --search

puts 23 in the standard input buffer, which is then transferred in the <in/> cell as a list item, and then the exhaustive search procedure is invoked.

However, even after piping some input, the spawn.imp program outputs an error:

[Error] krun: You must pass --enable-search to kompile to be able to use krun --search with the LLVM backend

As explained in Lesson 3, by default kompile optimizes the generated language model for execution. In particular, it does not insert any backtracking markers where transition attempts should be made, so krun lacks the information it needs to exhaustively search the generated language model.

kompile with the search feature enabled:

kompile imp --enable-search

Now echo 23 | krun spawn.imp --search gives us all 12 behaviors of the spawn.imp program.

We currently have no mechanism for thread synchronization. In the next lesson we add a join statement, which allows a thread to wait until another completes.

Go to Lesson 7, IMP++: Everything Changes: Syntax, Configuration, Semantics.

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