Lesson 1.14: Defining Evaluation Order

The purpose of this lesson is to explain how to use the heat and cool attributes, context and context alias sentences, and the strict and seqstrict attributes to more compactly express heating and cooling in K, and to express more advanced evaluation strategies in K.

The heat and cool attributes

Thus far, we have been using rule priority and casts to express when to heat an expression and when to cool it. For example, the rules for heating have lower priority, so they do not apply if the term could be evaluated instead, and the rules for heating are expressly written only to apply if the argument of the expression is a value.

However, K has built-in support for deciding when to heat and when to cool. This support comes in the form of the rule attributes heat and cool as well as the specially named function isKResult.

Consider the following definition, which is equivalent to LESSON-13-C (lesson-14-a.k):

module LESSON-14-A-SYNTAX imports UNSIGNED-INT-SYNTAX imports BOOL-SYNTAX syntax Exp ::= Int | Bool > left: Exp "+" Exp > left: Exp "&&" Exp endmodule module LESSON-14-A imports LESSON-14-A-SYNTAX imports INT imports BOOL rule <k> I1:Int + I2:Int => I1 +Int I2 ...</k> rule <k> B1:Bool && B2:Bool => B1 andBool B2 ...</k> syntax KItem ::= freezer1(Exp) | freezer2(Exp) | freezer3(Exp) | freezer4(Exp) rule <k> E:Exp + HOLE:Exp => HOLE ~> freezer1(E) ...</k> requires isKResult(E) [heat] rule <k> HOLE:Exp + E:Exp => HOLE ~> freezer2(E) ...</k> [heat] rule <k> E:Exp && HOLE:Exp => HOLE ~> freezer3(E) ...</k> requires isKResult(E) [heat] rule <k> HOLE:Exp && E:Exp => HOLE ~> freezer4(E) ...</k> [heat] rule <k> HOLE:Exp ~> freezer1(E) => E + HOLE ...</k> [cool] rule <k> HOLE:Exp ~> freezer2(E) => HOLE + E ...</k> [cool] rule <k> HOLE:Exp ~> freezer3(E) => E && HOLE ...</k> [cool] rule <k> HOLE:Exp ~> freezer4(E) => HOLE && E ...</k> [cool] syntax Bool ::= isKResult(K) [function, symbol] rule isKResult(_:Int) => true rule isKResult(_:Bool) => true rule isKResult(_) => false [owise] endmodule

We have introduced three major changes to this definition. First, we have removed the Val sort. We replace it instead with a function isKResult. The function in question must have the same signature and attributes as seen in this example. It ought to return true whenever a term should not be heated (because it is a value) and false when it should be heated (because it is not a value). We thus also insert isKResult calls in the side condition of two of the heating rules, where the Val sort was previously used.

Second, we have removed the rule priorities on the heating rules and the use of the Val sort on the cooling rules, and replaced them with the heat and cool attributes. These attributes instruct the compiler that these rules are heating and cooling rules, and thus should implicitly apply only when certain terms on the LHS either are or are not a KResult (i.e., isKResult returns true versus false).

Third, we have renamed some of the variables in the heating and cooling rules to the special variable HOLE. Syntactically, HOLE is just a special name for a variable, but it is treated specially by the compiler. By naming a variable HOLE, we have informed the compiler which term is being heated or cooled. The compiler will automatically insert the side condition requires isKResult(HOLE) to cooling rules and the side condition requires notBool isKResult(HOLE) to heating rules.


Modify LESSON-14-A to add rules to evaluate integer subtraction.

Simplifying further with Contexts

The above example is still rather cumbersome to write. We must explicitly write both the heating and the cooling rule separately, even though they are essentially inverses of one another. It would be nice to instead simply indicate which terms should be heated and cooled, and what part of them to operate on.

To do this, K introduces a new type of sentence, the context. Contexts begin with the context keyword instead of the rule keyword, and usually do not contain a rewrite operator.

Consider the following definition which is equivalent to LESSON-14-A (lesson-14-b.k):

module LESSON-14-B-SYNTAX imports UNSIGNED-INT-SYNTAX imports BOOL-SYNTAX syntax Exp ::= Int | Bool > left: Exp "+" Exp > left: Exp "&&" Exp endmodule module LESSON-14-B imports LESSON-14-B-SYNTAX imports INT imports BOOL rule <k> I1:Int + I2:Int => I1 +Int I2 ...</k> rule <k> B1:Bool && B2:Bool => B1 andBool B2 ...</k> context <k> E:Exp + HOLE:Exp ...</k> requires isKResult(E) context <k> HOLE:Exp + _:Exp ...</k> context <k> E:Exp && HOLE:Exp ...</k> requires isKResult(E) context <k> HOLE:Exp && _:Exp ...</k> syntax Bool ::= isKResult(K) [function, symbol] rule isKResult(_:Int) => true rule isKResult(_:Bool) => true rule isKResult(_) => false [owise] endmodule

In this example, the heat and cool rules have been removed entirely, as have been the productions defining the freezers. Don't worry, they still exist under the hood; the compiler is just generating them automatically. For each context sentence like above, the compiler generates a #freezer production, a heat rule, and a cool rule. The generated form is equivalent to the rules we wrote manually in LESSON-14-A. However, we are now starting to considerably simplify the definition. Instead of 3 sentences, we just have one.

context alias sentences and the strict and seqstrict attributes

Notice that the contexts we included in LESSON-14-B still seem rather similar in form. For each expression we want to evaluate, we are declaring one context for each operand of that expression, and they are each rather similar to one another. We would like to be able to simplify further by simply annotating each expression production with information about how it is to be evaluated instead. We can do this with the seqstrict attribute.

Consider the following definition, once again equivalent to those above (lesson-14-c.k):

.k .alias
module LESSON-14-C-SYNTAX imports UNSIGNED-INT-SYNTAX imports BOOL-SYNTAX syntax Exp ::= Int | Bool > left: Exp "+" Exp [seqstrict(exp; 1, 2)] > left: Exp "&&" Exp [seqstrict(exp; 1, 2)] endmodule module LESSON-14-C imports LESSON-14-C-SYNTAX imports INT imports BOOL rule <k> I1:Int + I2:Int => I1 +Int I2 ...</k> rule <k> B1:Bool && B2:Bool => B1 andBool B2 ...</k> context alias [exp]: <k> HERE ...</k> syntax Bool ::= isKResult(K) [function, symbol] rule isKResult(_:Int) => true rule isKResult(_:Bool) => true rule isKResult(_) => false [owise] endmodule

This definition has two important changes from the one above. The first is that the individual context sentences have been removed and have been replaced with a single context alias sentence. You may notice that this sentence begins with an identifier in square brackets followed by a colon. This syntax is a way of naming individual sentences in K for reference by the tool or by other sentences. The context alias sentence also has a special variable HERE.

The second is that the productions in LESSON-14-C-SYNTAX have been given a seqstrict attribute. The value of this attribute has two parts. The first is the name of a context alias sentence. The second is a comma-separated list of integers. Each integer represents an index of a non-terminal in the production, counting from 1. For each integer present, the compiler implicitly generates a new context sentence according to the following rules:

  1. The compiler starts by looking for the context alias sentence named. If there is more than one, then one context sentence is created per context alias sentence with that name.
  2. For each context created, the variable HERE in the context alias is substituted with an instance of the production the seqstrict attribute is attached to. Each child of that production is a variable. The non-terminal indicated by the integer offset of the seqstrict attribute is given the name HOLE.
  3. For each integer offset prior in the list to the one currently being processed, the predicate isKResult(E) is conjuncted together and included as a side condition, where E is the child of the production term with that offset, starting from 1. For example, if the attribute lists 1, 2, then the rule generated for the 2 will include isKResult(E1) where E1 is the first child of the production.

As you can see if you work through the process, the above code will ultimately generate the same contexts present in LESSON-14-B.

Finally, note that there are a few minor syntactic conveniences provided by the seqstrict attribute. First, in the special case of the context alias sentence being <k> HERE ...</k>, you can omit both the context alias sentence and the name from the seqstrict attribute.

Second, if the numbered list of offsets contains every non-terminal in the production, it can be omitted from the attribute value.

Thus, we can finally produce the idiomatic K definition for this example (lesson-14-d.k):

module LESSON-14-D-SYNTAX imports UNSIGNED-INT-SYNTAX imports BOOL-SYNTAX syntax Exp ::= Int | Bool > left: Exp "+" Exp [seqstrict] > left: Exp "&&" Exp [seqstrict] endmodule module LESSON-14-D imports LESSON-14-D-SYNTAX imports INT imports BOOL rule <k> I1:Int + I2:Int => I1 +Int I2 ...</k> rule <k> B1:Bool && B2:Bool => B1 andBool B2 ...</k> syntax Bool ::= isKResult(K) [function, symbol] rule isKResult(_:Int) => true rule isKResult(_:Bool) => true rule isKResult(_) => false [owise] endmodule


Modify LESSON-14-D to add a production and rule to evaluate integer subtraction.

Nondeterministic evaluation order with the strict attribute

Thus far, we have focused entirely on deterministic evaluation order. However, not all languages are deterministic in the order they evaluate expressions. For example, in C, the expression a() + b() + c() is guaranteed to parse to (a() + b()) + c(), but it is not guaranteed that a will be called before b before c. In fact, this evaluation order is non-deterministic.

We can express non-deterministic evaluation orders with the strict attribute. Its behavior is identical to the seqstrict attribute, except that step 3 in the above list (with the side condition automatically added) does not take place. In other words, if we wrote syntax Exp ::= Exp "+" Exp [strict] instead of syntax Exp ::= Exp "+" Exp [seqstrict], it would generate the following two contexts instead of the ones found in LESSON-14-B:

  context <k> _:Exp + HOLE:Exp ...</k>
  context <k> HOLE:Exp + _:Exp ...</k>

As you can see, these contexts will generate heating rules that can both apply to the same term. As a result, the choice of which heating rule applies first is non-deterministic, and as we saw in Lesson 1.13, we can get all possible behaviors by passing --search to krun.


  1. Add integer division to LESSON-14-D. Make division and addition strict instead of seqstrict, and write a rule evaluating integer division with a side condition that the denominator is non-zero. Run krun --search on the program 1 / 0 + 2 / 1 and observe all possible outputs of the program. How many are there total, and why?

  2. Rework your solution from Lesson 1.9, Exercise 2 to evaluate expressions from left to right using the seqstrict attribute.

Next lesson

Once you have completed the above exercises, you can continue to Lesson 1.15: Configuration Declarations and Cell Nesting.