Variable increment; Search

In this lesson we add the semantics of variable increment. We also learn how to instruct the kompile tool to instrument the language model for exhaustive analysis.

The variable increment rule is self-explanatory:

rule <k> ++X => I +Int 1 ...</k>
     <env>... X |-> N ...</env>
     <store>... N |-> (I => I +Int 1) ...</store>

We can now run programs like our div.imp program introduced in Lesson 1. Do it.

The addition of increment makes the evaluation of expressions have side effects. That, in combination with the non-determinism allowed by the strictness attributes in how expression constructs evaluate their arguments, makes expressions in particular and programs in general have non-deterministic behaviors. One possible execution of the div.imp program assigns 1 to y's location, for example, but this program manifests several other behaviors, too.

To see all the (final-state) behaviors that a program can have, you can kompile the semantics with --enable-search and call the krun tool with the option --search. For example:

krun div.imp --search

In the next lesson we add input/output to our language and learn how to generate a model of it which behaves like an interactive interpreter!

Go to Lesson 4, IMP++: Semantic Lists; Input/Output Streaming.

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