pyk.proof.proof module

class CompositeSummary(_summaries: 'Iterable[ProofSummary]')[source]

Bases: ProofSummary

property lines: list[str]
summaries: tuple[ProofSummary, ...]
class FailureInfo[source]

Bases: object

class Proof(id: str, proof_dir: Path | None = None, subproof_ids: Iterable[str] = (), admitted: bool = False)[source]

Bases: Generic[PS, SR]

Abstract representation of a proof that can be executed in one or more discrete steps.

Generic type variables:

  • PS: Proof step: data required to perform a step of the proof.

  • SR: Step result: data produced by executing a PS with Prover.step_proof used to update the Proof.

add_subproof(proof: Proof) None[source]
admit() None[source]
admitted: bool
abstract property can_progress: bool
abstract commit(result: SR) None[source]

Apply the step result of type SR to self, modifying self.

property dict: dict[str, Any]
property digest: str
property failed: bool
failure_info: FailureInfo | None
fetch_subproof(proof_id: str, force_reread: bool = False, uptodate_check_method: str = 'timestamp') Proof[source]

Get a subproof, re-reading from disk if it’s not up-to-date.

fetch_subproof_data(proof_id: str, force_reread: bool = False, uptodate_check_method: str = 'timestamp') Proof[source]

Get a subproof, re-reading from disk if it’s not up-to-date.

abstract classmethod from_dict(dct: Mapping[str, Any], proof_dir: Path | None = None) Proof[source]
abstract get_steps() Iterable[PS][source]

Return all currently available steps associated with this Proof. Should not modify self.

id: str
property json: str
property one_line_summary: str
abstract property own_status: ProofStatus
property passed: bool
static proof_data_exists(id: str, proof_dir: Path) bool[source]
proof_dir: Path | None
static proof_exists(id: str, proof_dir: Path) bool[source]
property proof_subdir: Path | None
classmethod read_proof(id: str, proof_dir: Path) Proof[source]
static read_proof_data(proof_dir: Path, id: str) Proof[source]
read_subproof(proof_id: str) None[source]
read_subproof_data(proof_id: str) None[source]
remove_subproof(proof_id: str) None[source]
property status: ProofStatus
property subproof_ids: list[str]
property subproofs: Iterable[Proof]

Return the subproofs, re-reading from disk the ones that changed.

property subproofs_status: ProofStatus
property summary: ProofSummary
property up_to_date: bool

Check that the proof’s representation on disk is up-to-date.

write_proof(subproofs: bool = False) None[source]
abstract write_proof_data() None[source]
class ProofStatus(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

FAILED = 'failed'
PASSED = 'passed'
PENDING = 'pending'
class ProofSummary[source]

Bases: ABC

id: str
abstract property lines: list[str]
status: ProofStatus
class Prover[source]

Bases: ContextManager[Prover], Generic[P, PS, SR]

Abstract class which advances Proof`s with `init_proof() and step_proof().

Generic type variables:

  • P: Type of proof this Prover operates on.

  • PS: Proof step: data required to perform a step of the proof.

  • SR: Step result: data produced by executing a PS with Prover.step_proof used to update the Proof.

advance_proof(proof: P, max_iterations: int | None = None, fail_fast: bool = False, callback: Callable[[P], None] = <function Prover.<lambda>>, maintenance_rate: int = 1) None[source]

Advance a proof.

Performs loop Proof.get_steps() -> Prover.step_proof() -> Proof.commit().

  • proof – proof to advance.

  • max_iterations (optional) – Maximum number of steps to take.

  • fail_fast – If the proof is failing after finishing a step, halt execution even if there are still available steps.

  • callback – Callable to run in between each completed step, useful for getting real-time information about the proof.

  • maintenance_rate – Number of iterations between proof maintenance (writing to disk and executing callback).

abstract close() None[source]
abstract failure_info(proof: P) FailureInfo[source]
abstract init_proof(proof: P) None[source]

Perform any initialization steps needed at the beginning of proof execution.

For example, for APRProver, upload circularity and depends module of the proof to the KoreServer via add_module.

abstract step_proof(step: PS) Iterable[SR][source]

Do the work associated with a PS, a proof step.

Should not modify a Proof or self, but may read from self as long as those fields are not being modified during step_proof(), get_steps(), and commit().

parallel_advance_proof(proof: P, create_prover: Callable[[], Prover[P, PS, SR]], max_iterations: int | None = None, fail_fast: bool = False, max_workers: int = 1, callback: Callable[[P], None] = <function <lambda>>, maintenance_rate: int = 1) None[source]

Advance proof with multithreaded strategy.

Prover.step_proof() to a worker thread pool for each step as available, and Proof.commit() results as they become available, and get new steps with Proof.get_steps() and submit to thread pool.

Generic type variables:

  • P: Type of proof to be advanced in parallel.

  • PS: Proof step: data required to perform a step of the proof.

  • SR: Step result: data produced by executing a PS with Prover.step_proof used to update the Proof.

  • proof – The proof to advance.

  • create_prover – Function which creates a new Prover. These provers must not reference any shared data to be written during parallel_advance_proof, to avoid race conditions.

  • max_iterations – Maximum number of steps to take.

  • fail_fast – If the proof is failing after finishing a step, halt execution even if there are still available steps.

  • max_workers – Maximum number of worker threads the pool can spawn.

  • callback – Callable to run during proof maintenance, useful for getting real-time information about the proof.

  • maintenance_rate – Number of iterations between proof maintenance (writing to disk and executing callback).