pyk.kllvm.hints.prooftrace module
- class KoreHeader(kore_header: kore_header)[source]
Represents the Kore header.
The Kore header is a file that contains the version of the Binary KORE used to serialize/deserialize the Proof Trace and all the aditional information needed make this process faster the Proof Trace.
- _kore_header
The underlying KORE Header object.
- Type:
- __init__(kore_header: kore_header) None [source]
Initialize a new instance of the KoreHeader class.
- Parameters:
kore_header (kore_header) – The KORE Header object.
- static create(header_path: Path) KoreHeader [source]
Create a new KoreHeader object from the given header file path.
- final class LLVMArgument(argument: Argument)[source]
Represents an LLVM argument.
- _argument
The underlying Argument object. An argument is a wrapper object containing either a step
- Type:
- event or a KORE pattern.
- __init__(argument: Argument) None [source]
Initialize the LLVMArgument object.
- Parameters:
argument (Argument) – The Argument object.
- __repr__() str [source]
Return a string representation of the object.
- Returns:
Returns a string representation of the LLVMArgument object using the AST printing method.
- property kore_pattern: Pattern
Return the KORE Pattern associated with the argument if any.
- property step_event: LLVMStepEvent
Returns the LLVMStepEvent associated with the argument if any.
- class LLVMEventAnnotated(annotated_llvm_event: annotated_llvm_event)[source]
Represents an annotated LLVM event.
This class is used to wrap an llvm_event and its corresponding event type. This class is used to iterate over the LLVM rewrite trace events.
- _annotated_llvm_event
The underlying annotated LLVM event object.
- Type:
- __init__(annotated_llvm_event: annotated_llvm_event) None [source]
Initialize a new instance of the LLVMEventAnnotated class.
- Parameters:
annotated_llvm_event (annotated_llvm_event) – The annotated LLVM event object.
- property event: LLVMArgument
Returns the LLVM event as an LLVMArgument object.
- property type: LLVMEventType
Returns the LLVM event type.
- class LLVMEventType(event_type: EventType)[source]
Represents an LLVM event type.
This works as a wrapper around the EventType enum. It also provides properties to check the type of the event.
- _event_type
The underlying EventType object.
- Type:
- __init__(event_type: EventType) None [source]
Initialize a new instance of the LLVMEventType class.
- Parameters:
event_type (EventType) – The EventType object.
- property is_initial_config: bool
Checks if the event type is an initial configuration event.
- property is_pre_trace: bool
Checks if the event type is a pre-trace event.
- property is_trace: bool
Checks if the event type is a trace event.
- final class LLVMFunctionEvent(function_event: llvm_function_event)[source]
Represent an LLVM function event in a proof trace.
- _function_event
The underlying LLVM function event object.
- Type:
- __init__(function_event: llvm_function_event) None [source]
Initialize a new instance of the LLVMFunctionEvent class.
- Parameters:
function_event (llvm_function_event) – The LLVM function event object.
- __repr__() str [source]
Return a string representation of the object.
- Returns:
A string representation of the LLVMFunctionEvent object using the AST printing method.
- property args: list[LLVMArgument]
Return a list of LLVMArgument objects representing the arguments of the LLVM function.
- property name: str
Return the name of the LLVM function as a KORE Symbol Name.
- property relative_position: str
Return the relative position of the LLVM function event in the proof trace.
- final class LLVMFunctionExitEvent(function_exit_event: llvm_function_exit_event)[source]
Represent an LLVM function exit event in a proof trace.
- _function_exit_event
The underlying LLVM function exit event object.
- Type:
- __init__(function_exit_event: llvm_function_exit_event) None [source]
Initialize a new instance of the LLVMFunctionExitEvent class.
- Parameters:
function_exit_event (llvm_function_exit_event) – The LLVM function exit event object.
- __repr__() str [source]
Return a string representation of the object.
- Returns:
A string representation of the LLVMFunctionExitEvent object using the AST printing method.
- property is_tail: bool
Return True if the function exit event is a tail call.
- property rule_ordinal: int
Return the axiom ordinal number associated with the function exit event.
- final class LLVMHookEvent(hook_event: llvm_hook_event)[source]
Represents a hook event in LLVM execution.
- _hook_event
The underlying hook event object.
- Type:
- __init__(hook_event: llvm_hook_event) None [source]
Initialize a new instance of the LLVMHookEvent class.
- Parameters:
hook_event (llvm_hook_event) – The LLVM hook event object.
- __repr__() str [source]
Return a string representation of the object.
- Returns:
A string representation of the LLVMHookEvent object using the AST printing method.
- property args: list[LLVMArgument]
Return a list of LLVMArgument objects representing the arguments of the hook event.
- property name: str
- Type:
Return the attribute name of the hook event. Ex.
- property relative_position: str
Return the relative position of the hook event in the proof trace.
- property result: Pattern
Return the result pattern of the hook event evaluation.
- final class LLVMPatternMatchingFailureEvent(pattern_matching_failure_event: llvm_pattern_matching_failure_event)[source]
Represents an LLVM pattern matching failure event.
This event is used to indicate that the pattern matching failed during the rewriting process.
- _pattern_matching_failure_event
The underlying pattern matching failure event.
- Type:
- __init__(pattern_matching_failure_event: llvm_pattern_matching_failure_event) None [source]
Initialize a new instance of the LLVMPatternMatchingFailureEvent class.
- Parameters:
pattern_matching_failure_event (llvm_pattern_matching_failure_event) – The LLVM pattern matching failure event object.
- __repr__() str [source]
Return a string representation of the object.
- Returns:
A string representation of the LLVMPatternMatchingFailureEvent object using the AST printing method.
- property function_name: str
Return the name of the function that failed to match the pattern.
- class LLVMRewriteEvent[source]
Represents LLVM rewrite event.
- abstract property rule_ordinal: int
Return the axiom ordinal number of the rewrite rule.
The rule ordinal represents the nth axiom in the kore definition.
- abstract property substitution: dict[str, Pattern]
Returns the substitution dictionary used to perform the rewrite represented by this event.
- final class LLVMRewriteTrace(rewrite_trace: llvm_rewrite_trace)[source]
Represents an LLVM rewrite trace.
- _rewrite_trace
The underlying LLVM rewrite trace object.
- Type:
- __init__(rewrite_trace: llvm_rewrite_trace) None [source]
Initialize a new instance of the LLVMRewriteTrace class.
- Parameters:
rewrite_trace (llvm_rewrite_trace) – The LLVM rewrite trace object.
- __repr__() str [source]
Return a string representation of the object.
- Returns:
A string representation of the LLVMRewriteTrace object using the AST printing method.
- property initial_config: LLVMArgument
Returns the initial configuration as an LLVMArgument object.
- static parse(trace: bytes, header: KoreHeader) LLVMRewriteTrace [source]
Parse the given proof hints byte string using the given kore_header object.
- property pre_trace: list[LLVMArgument]
Returns a list of events that occurred before the initial configuration was constructed.
- property trace: list[LLVMArgument]
Returns the trace.
The trace is the list of events that occurred after the initial configurarion was constructed until the end of the proof trace when the final configuration is reached.
- property version: int
Returns the version of the binary hints format used by this trace.
- class LLVMRewriteTraceIterator(rewrite_trace_iterator: llvm_rewrite_trace_iterator)[source]
Represents an LLVM rewrite trace iterator.
This class is used to iterate over the LLVM rewrite trace events in the stream parser.
- _rewrite_trace_iterator
The underlying LLVM rewrite trace iterator object.
- Type:
- __init__(rewrite_trace_iterator: llvm_rewrite_trace_iterator) None [source]
Initialize a new instance of the LLVMRewriteTraceIterator class.
- Parameters:
rewrite_trace_iterator (llvm_rewrite_trace_iterator) – The LLVM rewrite trace iterator object.
- __iter__() Generator[LLVMEventAnnotated, None, None] [source]
Yield LLVMEventAnnotated options.
This method is an iterator that yields LLVMEventAnnotated options. It iterates over the events in the trace and returns the next event as an LLVMEventAnnotated object.
- Yields:
LLVMEventAnnotated – The next LLVMEventAnnotated option.
- __next__() LLVMEventAnnotated [source]
Yield the next LLVMEventAnnotated object from the iterator.
- Returns:
The next LLVMEventAnnotated object.
- Return type:
- Raises:
StopIteration – If there are no more events in the iterator.
- __repr__() str [source]
Return a string representation of the object.
- Returns:
A string representation of the LLVMRewriteTraceIterator object using the AST printing method.
- static from_file(trace_path: Path, header: KoreHeader) LLVMRewriteTraceIterator [source]
Create a new LLVMRewriteTraceIterator object from the given trace and header file paths.
- property version: int
Return the version of the HINTS format.
- final class LLVMRuleEvent(rule_event: llvm_rule_event)[source]
Represents an LLVM rule event.
- _rule_event
The underlying LLVM rule event.
- Type:
- __init__(rule_event: llvm_rule_event) None [source]
Initialize a new instance of the LLVMRuleEvent class.
- Parameters:
rule_event (llvm_rule_event) – The LLVM rule event object.
- __repr__() str [source]
Return a string representation of the object.
- Returns:
A string representation of the LLVMRuleEvent object using the AST printing method.
- property rule_ordinal: int
Returns the axiom ordinal number of the rule event.
- property substitution: dict[str, Pattern]
Returns the substitution dictionary used to perform the rewrite represented by this rule event.
- final class LLVMSideConditionEventEnter(side_condition_event: llvm_side_condition_event)[source]
Represents an event that enters a side condition in LLVM rewriting.
This event is used to check the side condition of a rule. Mostly used in ensures/requires clauses.
- _side_condition_event
The underlying side condition event.
- Type:
- __init__(side_condition_event: llvm_side_condition_event) None [source]
Initialize a new instance of the LLVMSideConditionEventEnter class.
- Parameters:
side_condition_event (llvm_side_condition_event) – The LLVM side condition event object.
- __repr__() str [source]
Return a string representation of the object.
- Returns:
A string representation of the LLVMSideConditionEventEnter object using the AST printing method.
- property rule_ordinal: int
Returns the axiom ordinal number associated with the side condition event.
- property substitution: dict[str, Pattern]
Returns the substitution dictionary used to perform the rewrite represented by this side condition event.
- final class LLVMSideConditionEventExit(side_condition_end_event: llvm_side_condition_end_event)[source]
Represents an LLVM side condition event indicating the exit of a side condition.
This event contains the result of the side condition evaluation.
- _side_condition_end_event
The underlying side condition end event.
- Type:
- __init__(side_condition_end_event: llvm_side_condition_end_event) None [source]
Initialize a new instance of the LLVMSideConditionEventExit class.
- Parameters:
side_condition_end_event (llvm_side_condition_end_event) – The LLVM side condition end event object.
- __repr__() str [source]
Return a string representation of the object.
- Returns:
A string representation of the LLVMSideConditionEventExit object using the AST printing method.
- property check_result: bool
Return the boolean result of the evaluation of the side condition that corresponds to this event.
- property rule_ordinal: int
Return the axiom ordinal number associated with the side condition event.